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The Rainbow Children is the 24th fulllength studio album by Prince It was released worldwide in November 01 (two years after his previous studio album Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic and five months after the compilation album The Very Best Of Prince), but was released as a single untracked audio file the previous month as NPG Music Club Edition # 9, the October edition of Title Type Date added Bob Dylan 1970 Front audio Wesley Schultz Vignettes Front audio SG Lewis Times Front audioAbout Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators 総括 Mr Childrenの18年を一気に振り返ろう 18 12 31 邦楽ニュース 音楽情報サイトrockinon Com ロッキング オン ドットコム ミスチル カバーアルバム

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